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exit the struggle cycle

some resources for you

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It was a pleasure hosting this event for you all. 


Scroll below for some free resources


In case you missed your workbook copy, find it below.




This will help you apply the concepts we discussed.

1. The first step in exiting the struggle cycle is always to identify - what do I really want?

Watch the video here by my mentor Bob Proctor who speaks about how to set the right type of goal(s) in order to exit the struggle cycle.

2. Then go through this workbook that will help you understand how to convert your fantasy into a reality 

3. Watch my instructions on how to get involved with your goal in order to bring it to your reality. I used this exact same method in order to achieve my $30,000 practice without having the money!


No, I did NOT borrow the money nor was I granted it.


I simply used the laws of the universe to manifest my practice! If I can do it, so can you!

4. This article on Decision Making is simply revolutionary.

5. I love this audio on attitude. This is the exact audio that was the initial cause of my transformation!


6. If you want to learn more about the Laws of The Universe & how to apply them in your daily life in order to live a life of ease & joy, click here for more information

Feel Free To Get in Touch Should You Need Any More Information 

To Your Joy,

Shalini Gadhia

High Performance & Prosperity Coach

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