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Welcome to 

You will need a telescope to see where you started 

Thinking into Results is a one-of-a-kind scientific, step by step formula based on over 75 years of intensive research into the science and mechanics of personal achievement.

Take multiple leaps in your life by tapping into the unused 96% of your mind & experiencing lasting & permanent results as opposed to temporary changes in behaviour.

who is this for?

✔️You are extremely ready to make a major change in your personal or professional life but are feeling stuck for one reason or another. You keep making excuses for why it can’t happen now or are stuck in the ‘HOW’ it can happen for me...

✔️You KNOW you want to & CAN make this major change but just aren’t able to take the action

✔️You are transitioning to a point in life where leadership of self & others will be a crucial part of running your life, for example, transitioning into a leadership position in your career, embarking into your own venture, expanding your current business, taking up more responsibilities at home or socially etc

✔️You are looking for a long term or permanent results in your personal or professional life as opposed to temporary behavioral changes

✔️You have been through several other programs or coaching, but still aren’t where you would really like to be. You hear yourself saying – I know I can do & be more – but don’t know how!

✔️You can’t overcome the inner voice that’s constantly hindering you from moving forward

✔️You would like to improve your relationship with money & earn more with ease

✔️You want to learn how to always feel fulfilled in your life, regardless of your external circumstances

you will discover

• The 3 TYPES of goals, and which one is the only one worth pursuing

• THE ONE THING you should never consider when establishing a goal

• HOW TO MULTIPLY your effectiveness with virtually no effort at all

• THE UNDERRATED HABIT that will bring you a bigger payoff than any other

• A SHOCKINGLY SIMPLE way to instantly supercharge your productivity

• THE HIDDEN MECHANISM that determines what comes into your life — and how to take control of it once and for all

• 4 EASY STEPS for avoiding the #1 threat to your success




You won’t have to wait for the benefits of this remarkable system to kick in. Because it engages your mind at both the conscious and subconscious level, your mind will start absorbing and responding to this information as soon as it receives it. In fact, you will experience a quantum leap in your results from the FIRST MOMENT you begin this program.


The impact of each individual phase in the Thinking into Results process is maximized via the power of repetition — the first and most important law of learning — which causes a fundamental alteration of the mental processes that create your results. Through this targeted repetition, you will QUICKLY and AUTOMATICALLY form the habits that lead to long-term prosperity and abundance.


With each new goal you realize, you’ll find yourself aspiring to ever-higher levels of achievement and fulfillment. Your desire to be, do, and have more never should and never will diminish — and neither will the power of this system. With it, you will permanently possess the power to get ANYTHING you truly want, in any area of your life, for the rest of your life.


course duration: 28 weeks 

course mode: online, 13 modules 


Over a period of 28 weeks, focus intensively on a single essential element of the achievement process, with each lesson building upon the insights of the last.

  • Bob Proctor's direct online 6-month mentorship

  • ONE TIME Investment for life

  • Use it for achievement of multiple goals in your life

  • Your own digital textbook

  • Worksheets to help expand and challenge you to apply what you have learned, so you see and feel yourself changing, progressing, and moving closer to your goal in real time

  • MP3 & Videos to help guide you along the way to the path of success


Lifetime access to an online community with others studying the program. Creating your own circle of influence helping you achieve your goals


With me on a weekly basis to ensure the required action is being taken


  • Mentorship Sessions with me – 60/90 minutes on a Bi-weekly basis to give you the support, encouragement, and answers

  • 1:1 consulting sessions with me on a weekly basis


  • This morning routine consists of the FULL & exact step by step process that I used in order to manifest my current practice worth $30,000 for FREE! 

  • All this I did with these steps without having the money!

  • A winning morning routine is a guaranteed way to achieve your goals

  • A morning routine sets you up on a path to discipline and consistency, and these are the key ingredients to success!

What you will learn

Lesson 1:

There are 3 types of people in this world.

  • Those who don't know what they want

  • Those who know what they want but don't know how to get there – are you a victim of circumstances?

  • Those who know what they want and are getting there but taking a lot of time

Most people think they want something, but they seldom know what they REALLY want. This is the stage where I take you through a deep exercise with tools that helps you discover what you REALLY want. I challenge you to look beyond your current reality and tap into the power of your imagination.

Expected Outcomes:

  1. Learn the 3 types of goals

  2. Challenge your current beliefs to match what you REALLY want

  3. Set your goals based on what you REALLY want rather than what you think you can get based on current circumstances. Learn the creative process of converting your fantasy into a fact!

Lesson 2:

Your money results have been stagnant, this is where we become best friends with money. Money holds energy like any other object or person in this world. In this lesson, I show you how to align yourself with it by becoming best friends with money & understanding the laws that govern the movement of money.​

The key to earning more with ease is simply to understand it.

Expected Outcomes:

  1. Embody the universal laws of money to make it your best friend!

  2. Discover why money goes to others & does not come to you!

  3. Learn techniques to start attracting money with ease & consistently 

  4. Master the habits to become a millionaire 

Lesson 3:

How to get from where you are to where you want to be. Everyone has a knowing-doing gap. Most people know what to do, but they don’t do it! This can be very frustrating and truly destroying. At this stage, I work with you to bridge that gap and start creating your new reality.

 Expected Outcomes:

  1. Get acquainted with why you have non-productive habits that hinder you from moving towards your goal

  2. Learn the technique of creating habits that STICK – a permanent lasting shift as opposed to temporary trial & error methods

  3. Beat procrastination for good through building persistence

Lesson 4:

In this week, you will learn HOW your Mind operates and start applying simple but powerful steps into your daily “way of thinking”. “If you do not learn how to rule your mind, your mind will rule you.”

Expected Outcomes:

  1. Understand the root cause of why you have a ceiling of what you have been able to achieve in your life so far

  2. Discover why you think the way you currently do

  3. Move to a new dimension of thinking & productivity

Lesson 5:

In this week I show you how to design your life using the 2 main parts of your mind, which in fact, we rarely use correctly through our lifetime. This is truly a powerful lesson that shows you the secret genie that lives within you.

Expected Outcomes:

  1. Identify the ideas that are currently holding you back from pursuing your goals

  2. Learn the technique of using the power of your emotional mind to rewire your ideas to move closer to your goal(s)

  3. Discover how to build daily actions that help you get closer to your goal(s)

Lesson 6:

The trick of staying in charge no matter the circumstances. Are you responding or reacting to any situation? If we react, we give away our control to someone else, if we respond we are in control. This lesson teaches you how not to allow the external factors, like people or circumstances, affect the way your life is run & consequently your results, hence you stay in control of you. “Calmness of mind is the one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom” - James Allen


Expected Outcomes:

  1. Develop your hidden mental faculties to overcome micro / personal circumstances (financial, family obligations, time hinderances etc) and macro / external factors (economic, political, social, environmental) and accelerate the goal achievement process

  2. Discover how to drive results from the inside out as opposed to the current way of driving results outside in. STOP becoming the plaything for outside forces

  3. Learn the 333 strategy of idea generation to accelerate goal achievement

  4. Learn the relationship between your thoughts and results – start thinking into results!

Lesson 7:

How to become more confident in anything you do in life, personal and professional. It’s all about shifting your self-image and bringing more of yourself to the surface. No matter what you know, no matter what you do will make any difference if your inner self-image is not shifted. “You cannot outperform your self-image.” - Maxwell Maltz

Your Self Image sets the BOUNDARY for your PERFORMANCE & ACHIEVEMENT


Expected Outcomes:

  1. Discover how your current results are based on your self image

  2. Learn how to move the needle of your self-image thermostat to align with your goals

  3. Transform competition &/or threats into collaboration to work for you in your goal achievement process

Lesson 8:

How to overcome fear and procrastination. Understand the 4 stages of fear and you will never get intimidated by it. Learn where doubts, worries & fears come from.


“In all you are getting, get understanding” - Proverb 4:7. Once you understand fear and procrastination, you will never struggle with it ever again.

Expected Outcomes:

  1. Discover that fear is actually non-existent!

  2. Learn how to make irrevocable decisions like a Winner

  3. Become Anti – Fragile – use challenges, stress and worry to build you up and propel you forward rather than succumb to situations.

Lesson 9:

Praxis is about aligning your beliefs with behavior to create results you want in your life. Many people say they truly believe they can achieve their what they want, yet this does not reflect in their reality. Here, I show you why this happens and how to change it.

Expected Outcomes:

  1. Achieve a mental-physical alignment in order to achieve your goal(s)

  2. Formulate a Winning Inner Speech to support your goal-achieving habits & actions

  3. Work on the belief that part of your paradigm in order to achieve the relevant action-reaction by breaking generational limitations

Lesson 10:

The magic of Attitude. Attitude is widely used, but highly misunderstood by most people. Having a positive mental attitude is not enough. Your attitude is currently controlled by the media, by other people, by conditions and circumstances in your life.

Here I take you through the 3-step process of attitude, how to master it and how to use it to create your new reality.


Expected Outcomes:

  1. Learn how to accept ideas that are in alignment with your goal

  2. Discover the secret of rejecting ideas that are misaligned with your goals & be in control of your own attitude

  3. Master the relationship of the 3 components of attitude & use it to move closer to your goal and turnaround all areas of your life in your favor

Lesson 11:

One must be in charge internally before leading others. There is a great need for leadership in each company and in every walk of life. The truth is there are not many great leaders out there. Here I take you through in detail what REALLY makes a great leader and how to develop yourself to become one.

Expected Outcomes:

  1. Discover how to STOP following the MASS way of thinking & generate a purpose – led vision & how to get people to buy into that vision

  2. Learn how to overcome resistance from your followers, clients &/or team members

  3. Discover how to create an environment that attracts followers, clients &/or team members and make them want to work with you

Lesson 12:

Leaving Everyone with the Impression of Increase - the #1 key to fulfillment. Leaving everyone better than you found them opens you up to receiving. Give more, receive more. Start applying this knowledge from this powerful stage and see how everything around you starts shifting in a positive direction.

Expected Outcomes:

  1. Learn how to be aware of what’s happening around you but be in control of what’s happening within you

  2. Improve personal & professional relationships through the impression of increase & attract the resources you need to accomplish your goal(s)

  3. Implement your daily action plan in a better way to become the best effective human being you could ever be

Lesson 13:

Magnifying the Mind - how to create a quantum leap in your life, I show you how to accelerate your desired reality and not just small incremental improvements. At this stage, I show you a technique, which all great leaders in history used to apply and still do so, in order to become more effective and efficient with less effort.


Expected Outcomes:

  1. Learn the secret of increasing the power of your mind

  2. Discover the concept of you2 – double your potential with less effort with an explosive jump rather than incremental progress

  3. How to release yourself to a Mastermind

Your Investment 

Down payment: $2,555*, followed by

5 Installments of $1,555* each - 30 days apart

*Down payment is required to start the program

Discounted to $8,888 if you opt for a full payment

Market Rate - $20,000

You Save - $11,112

Terms & Conditions 

The participant agrees to the following


  1. The participant enters into mentorship with the understanding that they are responsible for creating their own results. 

  2. Be honest and participate fully. Recognize that mentorship sessions are a way to look at what you really want, and what it will take to make it happen.

  3. Make a commitment to completing all of your assignments and to the action plans you create and do what you have agreed to do. 

  4. Program fees are collected before beginning the program. There are No Refunds.

Contact me

Shalini Gadhia,

Thinking Into Results,

Nairobi, Kenya


Tel: +254 110 449 624​



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We are so happy to hear from you. 

© 2024 by Thinking Into Results

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